Monday, April 1, 2013

Some More Advice

As many of you may know, I'm not one to sugar coat things, and if I like you, I'll probably make fun of you. A lot. Don't take offense to it, it happens to everyone. However, I've found that being nice to people, especially the ones that you don't know, can get you far. Just something to think about, and remember.
Okay, back to business! I can tell you straight up, The Stephanie Plum series is a must read. Also, YOU WILL NOT SEE MY BOOK DRAFTS. YET. At my TED Talk, I will bring in my "final product" but I beleive that until this book is finito, I will not have the true copy of what this will look like. It is for that reason that I have not published my book online as I had planned. Instead, I will offer you a glimpse of it... Maybe. What I can promise you is... MY TED TALK! Below is a script of what i will say, and pictures of the final cover and story map for my book. Thanks for reading, this has been incredible, and I will continue to update over time. Also, I'll try not to eat as much pie. Oh, and Happy Easter (and a not so happy passover, am I right? Like, WHERE IS THE BREAD? Stupid matzo(h)?)

First, I will play this video:

My Ted Talk Video from Ally Abramson on Vimeo.
Then... the magic begins! 

We all have high expectations for ourselves. When we were little we all wanted to become a sort of superman, someone who helps others or does incredible things such as become a spy. As we get older, our goals become more realistic, but we also gain ambition and purpose.  
Over the past few weeks, I have found that anyone can accomplish their goals, to win a race, to become a doctor, to pass their finals.
You see, there are three things that must occur in order for someone to successfully accomplish their goals. These three things are as follows:
Number one: The process of achieving the goal must be interesting. If the process is not interesting, it will become tedious and eventually discourage someone from moving forward, pushing themselves toward success.
Number Two: The process can not be too difficult. If it becomes too much for one person to handle, they might become discouraged and give up on their dream.
Number Three: The end result must be fun, enjoyable for the person who has created it. After all, there is no point in reaching a goal if the goal does not benefit the person in some way, (unless it is to help others).
The steps of goal achievement can be daunting, thats for sure. However, I have found that with one single quality, anything is possible. That quality is passion, If you find passion within yourself towards your goals, you can complete them. 
Passion causes self motivation, self motivation gives you drive, it makes you work hard, and it because of this self imposed hard work that the three aspects to finding success are possible in one person.
Recently, I was assigned an amazing project. I was told to think of my goals, find my passions, and follow through with them. This project, the Genius Project gave me the push I needed to discover my passion, and complete my goals. I looked to myself and I found that I had passion for writing. Ever since I was a kid, I have been fascinated with reading. I would read all the time, day and night, and it really influenced my actions and daily life. As I grew up, I wanted to influence other people in the way that other authors had before me, and so I took to writing my own stories, expressing my passion.
Without passion, the process of writing a book could have been daunting, but I was given a push to move forward by my personal love of writing, and incredible influence to move forward. I began to take this project seriously, I made a timeline of what I wanted to do and when, and I followed through. First, I did a little research on writing and editing books to lay a foundation on which to build. Then I created profiles of the main characters to fully understand them. This made it easier to write their reactions to the situations around them. I then figured out the style of the book, and created a cover and made an in depth story outline. Lastly, I wrote and edited the story dozens of times over, getting the opinions of others and rewriting everything. Overall, the multiple step process was hard work, but I found that it was worht it. I was finally realizing my true potential as bota  writer and a person, and my passion for writing became even greater.
I want you to think about something that you have passion for. You don’t have to be incredible at it, in fact, you don’t even really have to be good at it. Now think of a goal that you want to accomplish that deals with that. You might think it is impossible, but it isn’t. As long as you have passion in what you do, everything else will fall into place. 

During the presentation of my TED talk, I will use this Prezi that I have created. 

Now that I have finished with all of the things I was supposed to do, I am looking for volunteers who would like to continue to edit my story. If you would like a copy to edit or read, please email me at or (SO CREATIVE RIGHT?) 

Oh, and one more thing! I know a lot of you still have yet to present, so here is a few sites that helped me practice confidence and speech giving. Good luck! For if you are having trouble identifying the audience and what they would like to hear/how to present it to them. Although the title boats confidence inspiring tips, the article is much more and provides tips on improving overall, through speech inflection, voice, and even posture.

1 comment:

  1. When I first happened upon this blog, you seemed to be hopping along whimsically through the project, criticizing other people's work and having a good time. It seems now that you've gotten quite serious about the project, and it's a bit jarring to me. It looks like you've made a lot of progress as a writer, and that this project has been good for both you as a writer and you as a person.
