Friday, March 29, 2013

The Best Advice

Through the process that I've encountered this week, I learned something. What I learned is something that will stay with me for a long time, hopefully throughout my career as a writer. All that I really know is that by writing it here, maybe I won't forget it. 
First, don't eat an entire pie. Bad idea. Even if it's key lime, and ESPECIALLY if it is chocolate peanut butter. Each are beyond amazing, but come on. You can't do it. 
Secondly I learned that it is up to you to find inspiration. The things you surround yourself with give you drive and effect what you WANT to write about. When writing something, it is important to surround your work with the influence of similar novels and movies, anything along the same page of what you are writing. That way, ybegin to develop ideas that are similar to these influences and you can gain inspiration. In addition, a previous source that I read said that it was okay to borrow ideas from other writers, it's a cycle really. This means that when others write, it is expected that people may have similar ideas who will then look to that book and get inspiration. By looking at other similar works, you can better yourself and your story. By bettering the story you can aid others like previous authors did you, a main goal of mine in this project.  This week I have finished my story and it is being edited. I'm really proud of it so far, and I know that even when this is all over. I will look to continue writing. By the next blog post I will hope to have my story edited so that I may add the finishing touches . If you return to this blog, you will find the final draft of my story in a new page, entitled, well I don't know yet. As I begin to prepare my Ted talk ive looked to my fellow peers for advice and we found several resources to aid in the process of doing a Ted talk. The following: is a comprehensive list of several materials that I have found helpful. However, in the process of creating my Ted  talk I have relied heavily on my own creative will and I am glad to say that it has paid off. My final blog post will include my presentation aid, a script of my talk, and a video of my completing it. Thanks for reading! :) Also, I can't figure out how to fix the font on this... sorry! 


  1. So you ate two pies then?
    I think its very true that you need to look at other people to find inspiration. To some extent at least. Was one of the books that inspired you about a certain FBI special agent? ;)
    Can't wait to read your story! Or the first 3 chapters of at least.
    As far as your TED talk goes, are you talking more about the process of writing your story, or the inspirations behind it?
    Good luck with your talk!

  2. I can't wait to read your story! You seem to have been working really hard on it. I also love that you were able to pull out one key thing for the future because in previous posts you were very frustrated. Now, you seem to have a handle on your writing and you learned not only about the skill but the problems most authors face. I'm excited for your TED talk and final draft!

  3. I definitely agree with you when you say that you should write about what you want to write about as it is crucial for not only thinking of good ideas but expanding on your ideas. I, myself, really don't like to write that often, but I prefer when I am allowed to be abstract with my writing. I also can't wait to read your story (same as they said above)! Have fun with your Talk!
