Monday, March 11, 2013

Well This Went Well... Maybe.

Dear Blogger, 
I can promise you, I am not a robot. If I was, I wouldn't have to wake up every morning at 5:30 to get ready for school, two hours later. So, you can stop asking. Okay? Especially since those little words in the boxes are not legible. AT ALL. 

This week, I had several goals to accomplish. The goals I have for myself are only getting harder, and this is so not appreciated At times, I wonder if I can do this. Then I get random ideas and I think I'll be fine. It's a cycle that I'm not loving. I just wish all of this plotting and story lining etc. would just be done, but I actually have to write it and think of my ideas. Turns out, being creative and organized at the same time is a lot more difficult than it seems. For this week, I began writing my story outline and I planned on finishing the entire thing. What I found was that the process I mapped out was not going to work.  
This week I completed the following,
  •  Style of the book, chapters, sections, etc.
My book will have several chapters, as you already know. At the beginning of every few chapters, there will be a newspaper article, similar to the one on the cover, that details the latest crime. This will allow me to introduce each crime nicely without interfering with the flow of the story. I think I'm going to write in first person. 
  • Title the story and design a cover for it.
This story is about a journalist who is down on her luck. When she witnesses a crime first hand, she becomes thrown into the spotlight and the investigation. 

Since this is about a journalist, I have decided that the cover will feature a newspaper article with the details on it.

Basically it will look like this:

At this point, I'd like to say that the title is a work in progress and I plan on changing it. A lot.
In addition I have changed the main characters name to Katie Lawson.
  • Freak out about how unoriginal and bland this whole thing is, and struggle a lot with outline writing and delving deeper than an overall plot. Great.
So yeah, that was especially fun. Even though I had this awesome website (featured in my mini post below), which was both humorous and informative, the outlining process was a disorganized wreck. What I ended up with this week was a basic outline for chapter one, and a small draft of it. The worst part was that I could think up a million details for this story in different places, but none all together, or I could think of an entire scene that didn't really have a place yet.

So hey, if you want to read my draft or take a look at my outline, let me know (HELP ME)! 
Oh, and... Big thanks to Mr. Perlman who sent me this source:
It backed up what I have been doing so far and gave me some tips on how to move forward with the writing process.


  1. Ally!
    I love the idea for your project. I also really enjoy writing stories although generally after about the 50th page they die as I run out of ideas. Plus mine are generally fantasy stories with too many characters to keep track of.
    BUT, that's beside the point.
    I really like the way your blog flows, it very much represents the way you speak which is good to represent in the writing. I only have a couple questions on the story. Are you doing mostly a character study of one character or trying to have a large ensemble and focus more on the plot?
    If you actually do want someone to read your book, I am willing to read it! Anyway, keep up the good work.
    I recommend putting in a character named Silas.

    ~~ Max

  2. Seriously.....your story is going to be intensely awesome. Just by what I've seen on your blog, you seem to be handling the creative process of writing a crime drama quite well. I myself have tried (and failed miserably, I might add) to write suspense/crime work's in the past, and know what a challenge it can be. I'm impressed. By the way, I found a website specifically geared towards writers/readers of crime drama who are looking to have others review/critique their work. Check it out!

  3. I wrote a novel, and I know how difficult it is. It requires a lot of work, and you're definitely right that ideas come at the most inconvenient time. Your story really looks interesting from what we've seen in your blog. The idea of the newspapers is neat. As for the cover, that is definitely a unique idea and unique stuff is good. Outlining is pretty awful for me too, but you eventually get to actually start the fun parts. I've never written in this genre, but I definitely wish you luck in this!

  4. This sounds like it is going to be really interesting! I love your idea for the cover. How did you make that outline/template/picture? I am excited to read your final product, even though it may seem annoying to write it, I think once it you are done you are going to be happy with what you have done. I have tried to write stories and books before but I was never really interested. Since you have read a lot more books and have written more than I have, I think that will drive you to finish your book, and enjoy doing it! I hope it works out well!!
