Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Check Out My Other Pages!

Hey guys! On the side of my blog, well hopefully, because that's where I WANT it to be, is a list of other pages on this blog. There are two so far, one about books I have read and reviewed and the other listing some other fun blogs to check out. You should check them out and see what I have to say, after all, you are here anyway so clearly you think I'm funny or intelligent or something. Anyway, in other news, book writing is going well so far, I am mapping out my storyline and I should begin writing very soon. Oh, and I found this website to help me with the process: http://terribleminds.com/ramble/2011/09/14/25-ways-to-plot-plan-and-prep-your-story/ 
Now, as you probably have noticed, all of the websites and helpful guides that I put up have different options or several ways to go, for example this one provides 25 ways to plan a story. This is in fact done on purpose. As a writer it is not good to limit yourself to just one thing, that can only bind creativity. Each new method or experience will provide new insight to your personal writing style, story, or even your personality. I find it useful to have different options because it helps me organize the constant flow of ideas and amazingness floating around in my head. Um, also, is amazingness a real word? (Note: If not, GE, I made it up and I'm using it anyway so too bad.)
Ally, out.
Oh dear lord, sorry about that. That was awful.

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